Wednesday, May 27, 2009


why doi hurt those i claim to love?

why do i find it so hard to express myself?

why do i equate vulnerabillity with weakness?

why do i shut others out and the one i let in dont dereve to be there..

whats gonna happen with this nysc thing?

what does my future have in store?

why is this life such a only rest when you die..

why do i keep fighting God..even tho i know His word?..

why is there unbelief in my heart..even tho i believed from the start..

why hasnt He answered certain prayers..not mine ...Hers??

shes been ur faithful servant..she's not perfect but U're all she has..

she served and only you know the depth of her devotion

so why does it take you solong to answer..when you own the wholeworld

Who the hell are her enemies..when U are on her side

so the question is are you or arent you..I know I have no right to question u...ure right

Will ur mercy endure forever even when i take your Grace for Granted

Is there any good work..and if there is..will you finish wot uve started?

What about my music will that pan out..

Who will my wife she here now and i cant see

will i be a good father..a good husband when the time comes..

better than my father...or my grand fatherat that

make a sucess of my life ...serve you in ur house..

what about my tatoos...wot will be the repercussion

i know i dont deserve ur even be havin this discussion..

this is not a poem...just questions on my mind

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