Wednesday, May 13, 2009



destiny doesnt always equate "meant to be"
failure comes alive becuase ambition and hardwork went to sleep

"when i grow uP"..timeless refrain of kids
"i wanna be thaT"..but ended up being this

how do i turn my dreams into sweet reality
pluck sucess from a tree labelled vanity

some see ObStAcLes some see RoaDBloCks and some see STEPPING STONES
thru the eyes of God i see life in a valley filled with dead bones

sumtymes i feel nuthin is real..everything shrouded in a fog of hypocrisy n insincerity
life is a show and the best liars and pretenders are awarded your admiration for their "integrity"

and Luv ain wot it used to be
Sex and Love are used interchangeably

sex being the currency of love and intimacy and trust
virtues being replaced by trends, truth buckling under conformitys force

men slaves to their dicks
women victims of their own tricks

aimin for the best
but always settling for less

women wanting men,but lovin boys
wanting stability but chasing after flashy cars and shiny toys

wanting truth but loving lies
decieving themselves into compromise

men living a lie just to score
and you wonder why the minit after he hits that hes walking out the dooor

the poor kid growing up to be a rich dad
the rich kid loses all he hadl

acking the desire the drive his dady had
until another poor kid becomes a rich dad

O my Brother..theres so much detachment in your eyes
cant you see the interconnectivity of our lives?

yesterday i stepped on ur empty candy wrapper
we both grew up watching Family Matters

today we laughed at the same program on tv
we both kissed our girlfreinds,both listened to our tha carter cd

such an impersonal desensitized world..even ur own blood is a stranger
blood stains the corner,even broad daylight is a victim of danger

O my brother..theres so much hate in ur eyes
HIS blood stains on the tshirt that I sold to U

we are all connected but together live seperate lives
what gives you the right to take his life

stabbed eight times
black on black tagged "hate crimes"

mindless destruction of a dreama
driveby,she was just thirteen

over "turf"..over "respect"..over "misunderstandings" n "mixups"
killers in powersuits sit in power and preside over us

a common man, uneducated,a beggar..steals a mango n is almost burnt to death
a common man,unducated, a politician..steals more of the "common man"s money and adds it to his already substantial wealth

the rich get richer..and the poor get desperate
killing each other while the rich celebrate

if your hands find something to do,do it with all ur might
n if ur dk finds someone to do, check wiv ur OthEr head whether it has to be tonite

Sucess is my only option,I will not be denied
I will achieve Sucess and my soul will not be sacrificed

hangin on to a dream, a vision through flickering eyes
picking through the debris of mistakes,on my way to a paradise...x

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