Tuesday, May 19, 2009


take my hand...walk with me
on springy meadows...past babbling brooks...and quiet streams

sit with me..under a tree
inbetween my legs...u infront of me..

sink into my embrace as i wrap my arms around you
feel my breath on ur neck..the soothing beat of my heart against ur back

let ever worry...every care...melt away
lets watch the night take over from the day

lets name the stars..make believe that theyre ours..
disregarding time...hours feel like minits....minits feel like hours

kiss me as the moon looks down in delight
wrap ur arms around my neck...hold me tight

dont worry about anything tonight
enjoyin the feelin of evrything being "right"

close your eyes and drift away ...beside me
safe and secure, knowing that when u wake up...ur luv will still be ryte here..inside of me

no matter what tomorrow holds in store...we'll face it together
i kiss ur forehead...close my eyes too...cus this moment feels like forever...x

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