Friday, July 3, 2009

My Body Remembers

when u speak..i wanna taste ur voice
feenin for dem lips cus they look so moist

when my mind denies
my body confesses
rebelling against my head
betraying weaknesses

my body rememberz
shadowy whispers of an era
in ur touch becoming clearer
growin in intensity
..with every minute you spend with me

ur touch ..ur smell..
my body remembers u
my body rememberz u

lips demanding kisses
craving them like wishes
eyes fooling around with mine
searching depths in a quest to find.. you still want me i do
how would u react if i touched yu
would ur body yield if i kissed u
would my touch convey just how much iv missed u

body craving contact
mind feeby resists but body sayin "stop that!"
body yielding automatically
unlocking codes when ure touchin me..

images before my eyes flash
makin me want to do sumin rash
like pull u in a corner
not caring if u wanna
kissin on ur body
finger in ur tummy


5 secs awae from kissing u..
so i sae goodnite
my body remembered u
and reminded me alnite...

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