Saturday, January 1, 2011

Just a lil sumthin i think u should know...

U constantly sell urself short...
Believing u should take whatever u get..

Thats why ur memories make ur heart hurt
God should own ur heart, but instead ure lettin men pay rent

Buying the lies they tell u to enslave u
Paid with the broken pieces of ur heart..
ure like a star trapped in glass..

Beautiful goddess...
in His image He made u..
but they treat u like ure nothing more than a piece of ass...

People only treat u how u let them...
ur heart and soul are ur compass stop relying on ur vagina for direction

I look at u and see the crowning glory of creation
who defines perfection??...

uve grown so used to ur features u dont realise how beautiful u look to a stranger
u look in the mirror and see what u choose to see...

if only you could see yourself through my eyes
u wouldnt look away when i tell u how beautiful you are to me...

You were born for a purpose...
The Almighty took the time to create u...

so why feel worthless...why waste ur tears?
just because a mere man refuses to date u?

Lissen to me darling...

Rejection is not someone wanting u out of their life....
Rejection is someone God wanted out of your future...

So much potential...So much Promise..
the very imperfections u hate..are the things that make u perfect..

Dont give ur lips to someone who wont give u their ears...
if it seems like he dusnt even listen to u when u can he hear the other things ure too afraid to say...?

Dont give ur body to someone who doesnt want your heart...
cus after he has taken..he'll be gone...n if u throw urself at him...and you fall in love...he wont catch u...unrequited love is a bitch....and u dont deserve to feel that way..

The Right man will never break ur heart..
and if he makes u cry..he'll be right there beside u to wipe them away...

dont know what else to say to u my dear...

One man broke ur heart ...
Every man doesnt have to pay for his mistake

Cus one day one man will come along..who wont just want to repair ur broken heart..he'll replace it with his...and he'll love u more with every breath that you take..

but first u need to love urself...not the vain selfish kind of love..cus that makes a person so ugly...
but the kind of love that reassures u that u deserve love and everything good this world and the next has to offer...

the kinda love that helps you smile in the face of rejection...that gives you the courage to walk away when insecurities tell u to settle for something ur heart tells u u dont deserve..
true love doesnt make you suffer...

..and sweetheart dont call Lust..."Love" and expect it to act like it..
Lust is a match burns quickly and brilliantly and is gone almost as quickly as it appears..

Love is a smouldering coal...if fanned it can burst into the flame of passion and even if u dont do anything..its hard to put out..deep down its alwais there...

...and it doesnt matter what ure going through...the fact that ure "going through" it means its not ur destination..the night is darkest right before the dawn..

ur tears are the rain...they help u grow...and as the clouds of sadness,doubt, and insecurity pass...u will have a reason to smile again as ur face lights up with the brilliance of the rising sun

Somebody Loves u



  1. well written.God bless you for this

  2. this is probably one of your best pieces.. love it.
