Wednesday, January 19, 2011


We hardly ever appreciate oxygen till we're deprived of it...
Nothing quite quenches ur thirst like water..

Why is it that the things we need the most
are the things we take for granted...?

forgetting how bad we wished for something soon as its granted..

My mind is troubled...My heart is heavy..
didnt realise how full my hands were..until they were empty...

a wise man once said...
The best way to love to realise that one day it might be lost..

everytime i kissed u it would have been like it was the last time...

everytime i hugged u i would have held on to u like i never wanted to let go..till u laughed and kissed me and extracted urself from my bear hug..

i wanna move on..

but its the hardest thing to do...

i didnt say goodbye...i just walked away...

u think its because i hate u...not knowing that these words i couldnt say..

.. becuase i love u too much to...i cant imagine a life without ur love in it...a world not constantly illuminated by the beauty of ur smile...

coming home to a bed without u in it...

i close my eyes...

cus i cant let these tears fall...

cus i feel like if they start..they'll never stop...n i'll drown in them...

i close my eyes...

and i see our love beautiful and strong...deep and sincere...

i see u standing in front of me..eyes and heart overflowing with love...ure so beautiful...

....then i wake up... and reach for ur arms.. that arent there...

how did i let u get away...?

i always thought u'd be here...i had so many chances...
i know i did u wrong...u forgave me on so many instances...

now ure with someone else...making him happy...loving him with all ur heart
...and mine...

its always been urs..and it always will...
all i can do is sit here and miss u ..and hope that one day sadness will fly away..on the wings of time

i still love u....x

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