Friday, February 19, 2016

Bite My Tongue...

"Madam, you have bereft me of all words.

Only My blood speaks to you in my veins"

-Merchant of Venice (William Shakespeare)

I really want to touch your heart

But with something so precious 

Its imperative I make the right.....impression

Wish we could go back to a time where innocence was our shield

But uno... 

there's no time like the present

Free Spirit...there's something Beautifully Savage about you..


I want to call you, Queen

you certainly look the part...

Lowkey.. I imagine you start your day with a Mozart smoothie..

or a bowl of Van Goghs & Rembrandts

Cus if you are what you eat... definitely scream "Work of Art"

I want to just stare at you for hours and get the bottom of your beautiful

Understand how one can be so perfect

...Uncover the Splendour of your Essence

But I have a feeling just like any other wonder in the world

Your allure is not to be understood; confined to the limits of my mind and experiences

...So I would be content to just bask in the Radiance of your Presence

Listen tho...

Beauty does not always mean Perfection

And Perfection does not always mean Flawless

Sometimes the most beautiful thing you see is only a collection of Flaws

Placed precisely in such a perfect arrangement that all the eyes can see is Gorgeous

And nothing compliments a beautiful face like a passionate heart

And an Intelligent Mind clearly sets you apart

Got me..

Longing to be one of the thousand things that you think of everyday

And my lips would write love letters on your skin till 9,99 other things fade away..

And as I watch you in my Minds eye so many scenes unfold

I would pull you into my arms if i could be so bold

Wrap my arms around you and help you realise that this is home

Savour the taste of your lips as I kiss you slow

Maybe I can hold your hand

Falling up into the sky

Falling into eyes that twinkle brighter than the stars

Till parachutes open and tear you from my grasp

Getting ahead of Myself..looking back,,

clearly I should know better..

Brain saying Shut the hell up

...everything else saying Go get Her

.................ith Crazy

the risk of losing what I don't even have is way too strong...

Maybe I should roll safe

Maybe I should bite my tongue..


looking at you with the awe struck eyes of Bassanio

Attention surrendering to your beauty

Mind captured by thoughts of you

Imagining a moment when I can drink it in first hand

Knowing I could never keep my composure

cus even in my thoughts I jump on you sorry

From the Moment we're born we're dying

So we might as well do some Living too

Placed on this sphere to Create...Moments, Magic, History

And you endlessly inspire me

Everytime I look at you 

But Listen...

Sometimes even if you never intend to jump 

Its just as invigorating, standing on the ledge

And maybe the wise thing to do is Bite my tongue

But these words would haunt me if I left them unsaid

The End :)


(i always got something playing in the background when i write these things)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Love is a funny thing to try and explain...

It has nothing to do with what a person looks like, its a feeling of familiarity, its a blurring of lines, its a safe feeling, a sometimes overlooked dull security which gives us the base from which we can function...and we never really fully realise its importance till we lose it or come close to losing it.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Is This Seat Taken?..

As soon as I see her walk in the room
Time bows out gracefully

About to find out if looks can kill
someone say a prayer for me..

I try to look busy
... I try to look less
I try to not look ...but each time I fail

Iron will over powered by her beauty
I find myself unable to look away

I try to do something with my face 
sexy smoulder? too much..
subtle wink?..might be too creepy

russian roulletting with these expressions 
she's walking in my direction any moment she might see me

I want her to, but I don't feel ready 
Something about her screams once in a lifetime

And just like that she walks past me
"hello" such an easy word it practically rolls off the tongue
and this was the moment i chose to bite mine?

"Dont want to appear too keen but I'm trying to be your next of Kin"
Shut up brain're too late the moment is past

I really feel like I missed out on something..
I want to "oh well" it away but my eyes are still stained by your magnificence
as a consolation i turn around and try and catch a glimpse of that ass

Sweet Shining Star of Bethlehem!
I frantically reach for some of my finest composure 
clear my throat and try and stop my lip shaking

Looking up into her beauty
Witnessing some of Gods finest work
I watch her lips part and I hear the words
"Is this seat taken?"
